Can wasabi really prevent tooth decay?
Can wasabi really prevent tooth decay?
When eating Japanese food, you will see a green condiment called wasabi. Do you know what benefits “wasabi” has? Today we have the answer.
Wasabi is a green condiment with a pungent, spicy smell. It is a popular Japanese food and has many medicinal benefits.
Toshio Liyama, head of the wasabi โปรโมชั่น ufabet research team, found that wasabi can fight certain types of bacterial infections in the human body and also eliminate a parasite called anisakis that lives in fish when it passes through the digestive system.
Importantly has properties that help prevent blood clots, block blood vessels, reduce the risk of cancer, and prevent asthma.
Recent research has found that
It can help prevent tooth decay. Chemical compounds in wasabi called ocyanates help inhibit the growth of microorganisms and the production of enzymes that help form plaque, which is the cause of tooth decay.
The bacteria Streptococcus mutans can make one’s saliva more acidic and lead to problems like cavities and tooth decay.
However could help prevent this bacterium from growing and causing such problems. In addition, wasabi is a good source of a number of nutrients that can be good for your teeth, such as calcium (a key component of tooth enamel, per Wright Smiles) and vitamin C (which, as Winning Smiles PD explains, can help keep one’s gums strong and so further protect one’s teeth).
Besides these possible benefits for one’s teeth could also be a good addition for your diet. If you’re worried about osteoporosis (via Healthline).
Which could help with bone density and regeneration. However, initial research into HCA and osteoporosis has been on animals, not humans, so additional research is needed (per Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry). With that said, you should still speak with your dentist about adding wasabi to your meal plan, especially if you often experience cavities.